JLPT Vocabulary
Native-speaker vocabulary recording - Grammar Plus!
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Note: If you're wondering how to use a particular grammar, maybe it's better to use
this grammar tool, and for kanji,
this kanji tool.
Streaming Japanese vocabulary. Just like Internet radio, but it's just lists of Japanese words.
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It sits next to your clock and pops up a bubble every minute to teach you a new Japanese word. Vocabulary for all JLPT levels is included, but you can make your own files, or delete some of the provided vocabulary files to study just your level.
The word bubbles start automatically after one minute. You can force a word bubble to appear by right-clicking the icon.
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Anki uses a well-researched "spaced repetition system" which knows how the memory works. By showing you the cards in the best possible order, you memory gets the excercise it needs, and you can learn vocabulary in the lowest possible time.
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Japanese dictionary site
I use this site all the time. Example sentences for even the most unusual of words and links to bilingual news articles and conversations on many, many topics.
If you don't use ALC, you're missing out. :)
Visit ALC.
Vocabulary sound files
jlpt1_mp3.zip (188.8 MB)
jlpt1_words.zip (76.9 KB)
Level N1 vocabulary list
VocabList.N1.doc (3 MB)
VocabList.N1.pdf (4.6 MB)
n1-vocab-kanji-eng.anki (3.1 MB)
n1-vocab-kanji-hiragana.anki (2.7 MB)
n1-vocab-kanji-eng.mem (821.1 KB)
n1-vocab-kanji-hiragana.mem (738.2 KB)
Vocabulary sound files
The word list for these files has been taken from this Level 2 vocabulary list (XLS file).
jlpt2_mp3.zip (108.1 MB)
jlpt2_0001-0200.mp3 (3.8 MB)
jlpt2_0201-0400.mp3 (3.7 MB)
jlpt2_0401-0600.mp3 (3.5 MB)
jlpt2_0601-0800.mp3 (3.5 MB)
jlpt2_0801-1000.mp3 (3.6 MB)
jlpt2_1001-1200.mp3 (3.3 MB)
jlpt2_1201-1400.mp3 (3.7 MB)
jlpt2_1401-1600.mp3 (3.7 MB)
jlpt2_1601-1800.mp3 (3.3 MB)
jlpt2_1801-2000.mp3 (3.7 MB)
jlpt2_2001-2200.mp3 (3.6 MB)
jlpt2_2201-2400.mp3 (3.4 MB)
jlpt2_2400-2599.mp3 (8.3 MB)
jlpt2_2600-2799.mp3 (7.2 MB)
jlpt2_2800-2999.mp3 (5.7 MB)
jlpt2_3000-3199.mp3 (4.9 MB)
jlpt2_3200-3399.mp3 (5.1 MB)
jlpt2_3400-3599.mp3 (5.7 MB)
jlpt2_3600-3799.mp3 (6.3 MB)
jlpt2_3800-3999.mp3 (5.4 MB)
jlpt2_4000-4199.mp3 (5 MB)
jlpt2_4200-4399.mp3 (5 MB)
jlpt2_4400-4599.mp3 (5 MB)
jlpt2_4600-4790.mp3 (5.2 MB)
Level N2 vocabulary list
VocabList.N2.doc (1.6 MB)
VocabList.N2.pdf (2.4 MB)
n2-vocab-kanji-eng.anki (1.6 MB)
n2-vocab-kanji-hiragana.anki (1.3 MB)
n2-vocab-kanji-eng.mem (424.7 KB)
n2-vocab-kanji-hiragana.mem (349.9 KB)
N3 vocabulary list
VocabList.N3.doc (1.6 MB)
VocabList.N3.pdf (2.4 MB)
n3-vocab-kanji-eng.anki (1.6 MB)
n3-vocab-kanji-hiragana.anki (1.4 MB)
n3-vocab-kanji-eng.mem (413.1 KB)
n3-vocab-kanji-hiragana.mem (363.4 KB)
Vocabulary sound files
jlpt4_mp3.zip (20 MB)
jlpt4_0001-0200.mp3 (6.8 MB)
jlpt4_0201-0400.mp3 (7.2 MB)
jlpt4_0401-0602.mp3 (6.9 MB)
N4 vocabulary list
VocabList.N4.doc (584.5 KB)
VocabList.N4.pdf (907.4 KB)
n4-vocab-kanji-eng.anki (676 KB)
n4-vocab-kanji-hiragana.anki (564 KB)
n4-vocab-kanji-eng.mem (139.2 KB)
n4-vocab-kanji-hiragana.mem (112.1 KB)
Vocabulary sound files
jlpt5_mp3.zip (13 MB)
jlpt5_part1.mp3 (2.4 MB)
ああ to
jlpt5_part2.mp3 (3.8 MB)
紙 to それから
jlpt5_part3.mp3 (3.7 MB)
それから to
jlpt5_part4.mp3 (4.1 MB)
働く to
N5 vocabulary list
VocabList.N5.doc (615 KB)
VocabList.N5.pdf (933.5 KB)
n5-vocab-kanji-eng.anki (696 KB)
n5-vocab-kanji-hiragana.anki (600 KB)
n5-vocab-kanji-eng.mem (144.6 KB)
n5-vocab-kanji-hiragana.mem (112.7 KB)